Contra Costa Rabbit Rescue
CCRR Email List
Do you want to keep up with all the latest news from CCRR? Sign up for our email list! We use this list to communicate with our supporters about what is happening at the rescue, special programs that we are participating in, and ongoing fundraisers. It's a great way to stay up to date with our lifesaving work. You can sign up here
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV)
Stay up to date with the latest information about RHDV. You can find all the information you need to know here. House Rabbit Society has been tracking this deadly virus for the past 2 years and is constantly updating their website. Ask your local veterinarian if they can provide you with the vaccine in your area. Most areas that are effect have been granted access to give the vaccine. It is in short supply, so if your state has not been effected, it will not be available.
Do you have a single bunny?
Most rabbits like being around other rabbits. CCRR offers bonding services as well as expert advice on how to make the perfect pair. First step to get the process rolling is to fill out our Adoption Questionnaire, when filling out the adoption questionnaire - make sure to include your current rabbits personality. Once approved, we will go over matching candidates we might have along with setting a day/time to start your match making. Please be aware, this is not usually an instant match and does require dedication and work but in the end it is totally worth it!