Thinking about adopting with CCRR?
Please read below for more information about the adoption process:
Want to adopt?
Please read the information below and fill out the adoption
questionaire located at the bottom of this page.
Adoption Procedure:
1. Do your homework. Rabbits are not short term or beginner pets for children. They require specialized diets and housing to keep the healthy. Be responsible and demonstrate your understanding of their care requirements before you commit to bringing a bunny home.
Read the CCRR Adoption Policy
2. Fill out the adoption questionnaire. The questionnaire helps us understand what your household is like and what you are looking for in adopting a rabbit. Questionnaires are reviewed by the board for approval of adoption. You will be contacted via phone with questions or to set up an appointment to meet the rabbits.
3. Once approved: Come meet the rabbits, spend time with several of them as each rabbit is unique.
4. Preparation: Start buying the supplies you will need. Ask a CCRR representative for the best products and food to buy.
5. Finalizing Adoption: When you are ready to bring your new pet home, we will meet with you to finalize adoption paperwork and send you home with your new bunny!
*Households with Dogs: If your household has a dog, You will be required to bring your dog to meet the rabbits before being approved for adoption. Why? Not all rabbits feel comfortable around dogs and not all dogs are safe around rabbits. We want to make sure that both animals will be okay living together.
*Households with Children: All children living in the household where the bunny will reside will be required to come and meet the bunnies before being approved for adoption. Parents please keep in mind bunnies are not pets for children to learn to learn responsibility.
Children under the age of 5 to 6 may not be mature enough to interact with a rabbit safely. Rabbits are ground dwelling animals that do not like to be picked up or cuddled. Your children need to understand this.
*Please note; CCRR only adopts rabbits to indoor homes with AC. No Exceptions.
Adoption Contract(Policy);
Commitment: I understand that I am making a commitment to this rabbit for its lifetime.
Should my life circumstances change; should the rabbit fall ill; or should other difficulties arise
between us, I agree to work through such issues so that he or she may remain a member of
my household, or return the rabbit to Contra Costa Rabbit Rescue.
Transfer of Ownership: This rabbit or rabbits shall not be sold, adopted to anyone else, or given away for free. I agree not to transfer ownership of this rabbit or rabbits to any third party without obtaining prior written consent from Contra Costa Rabbit Rescue. I understand that this rabbit was rescued and agree to work with this rabbit and with Contra Costa Rabbit Rescue to overcome any behavioral issues that might arise with him or her so that we may live together in contentment or return the rabbit to Contra Costa Rabbit Rescue.
Responsibility: In assuming responsibility for the above rabbit, I agree to never physically abuse him/her, nor will I allow any other person or animal to do so. I will always supervise any children or pets when they are playing with this rabbit.
Home: I agree to give the rabbit play and exercise time in a safe environment and bunny proof my home.
I am adopting this rabbit as a house companion, and at no time will he or she be left outside overnight.
I will supervise any outdoor play activity and provide protection from predators. I will monitor the outdoor
temperature closely, if the rabbit is placed outside during exercise time.
Care: I agree to provide this rabbit with a balanced diet including as much hay as the rabbit can eat, daily fresh food (pellets and vegetables) and water. I also agree to provide medical care to always keep this rabbit in good health.
Veterinary Care: This rabbit was recognized to be healthy at the time of adoption unless disclosed by Contra Costa Rabbit Rescue. I understand that I am assuming responsibility for medical bills in the future and will not hold Contra Costa Rabbit Rescue liable for any expense. Should any illness arise in my rabbit or rabbits I shall take him to a qualified veterinarian.
Damages: Once this rabbit is adopted, Contra Costa Rabbit Rescue is not liable or responsible for any damage or injury caused by the adopted rabbit.
Repossession: I agree that the Contra Costa Rabbit Rescue is authorized to remove this animal if he or she is not receiving adequate home care, the rabbit is being endangered by lack of veterinary care, the owner is attempting to break contract or if there has been a violation of the adoption agreement or any local anti-cruelty laws.
Other Uses: The adopter agrees that this pet will not be used for feeding other animals or humans, fighting, medical or experimental purposes. The adopter agrees that this pet will be a house pet companion and family member.
Agreement: If I am unable to abide by this agreement, for any reason, I will return this rabbit to Contra Costa Rabbit Rescue.