Foster Program
We need your help! Foster families are a very important part of saving lives and giving rabbits a second chance at finding a great loving home. Here’s how our foster program works:
What foster families do:
As CCRR foster family, you will be providing a loving, indoor home for a CCRR foster rabbit following CCRR care guidelines. The foster parent offers the emotional and physical support systems the rabbit needs while they wait for permanent adoption. Your foster care saves rabbits’ lives!!
Time frame for fostering:
Your foster commitment is decided when you begin your fostering experience. Each foster person sets his or her own fostering time frame – Minimum foster time period is 3 months and fostering may continue after 3 months as foster wishes.
CCRR provides initial set up supplies such as X pen, or cage, sheets, floor cover, litter box, food dish, water bottle and a starter pack of litter, food and hay. As perishable supplies run out we ask that you replenish their food, hay and vegetables with your own money.
Educational information: You will receive an education packet from CCRR. This packet includes educational information you will need to know. Please read the info on basic care, behavior, food, exercise needs and medical emergencies. This way you will have the most up to date information and be great caregivers for your foster rabbits. Your initial set up will include this information, yet home study is very helpful, a great reference and you are encouraged to do so.Hopefully you will educate others you know and encourage them to foster or adopt as well.
The job of a rabbit foster parent: You provide support and tender loving care to foster rabbits while they wait for adoption. You provide a secure foster home and a sense of stability. You provide the proper food, shelter and housing to meet the rabbit’s need. Fosters work with the rabbit to help the rabbit become even more socialized and adoptable. Fosters keep the rabbit’s area clean and reinforce litter box training. Your job is to make sure the rabbit is safe, well cared for, protected and loved–What a wonderful job!
Monthly email reports:
As a foster parent, you are asked to let me know how your foster rabbit is doing bi-weekly or as often as you want. A simple email is fine. Send to brooke@contracostarabbitrescue.org
Foster parents transport their foster bunny to adoption events when it is the rabbit’s turn to be shown:
You are asked to make arrangements to have your foster rabbit shown when it is their turn. You are notified by email of rabbits to be shown at our adoption shows. OR we can make a pre-arranged schedule. Some foster rabbits will not be shown at events until they are ready.
Medical care:
Fosters watch over the foster bunny and let the director know if you have concerns that your foster bunny may be ill. Together we will locate the proper medical support. Read your medical care information. It will be most helpful.
If this sounds like something you’d like to help do, please fill out the following foster application and return it via email or postal mail and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
To become a foster family please fill out an application below.
*Note: You must be an adult to fill a foster form out. *